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Digital Growth Session

Leverage Tomorrow's Business Opportunities Today

Staying ahead of the competition in rapidly changing markets – personalized video meetings with Mike Flache.

Mike Flache provides tailored feedback on CEOs’ most pressing digital growth questions

Digital growth in an uncertain economic climate is complex

75% of digital growth activities fall short of expectations.* There are many reasons for this: the global consequences of the poly-crisis, changes in global supply chains, or the impact of rapidly changing technology on business, society, and the environment. However, one of the main reasons also lies in the companies: there is a lack of growth strategies that comprehensively consider relevant digital technologies such as generative AI, green cloud computing, or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – and are also consistently geared towards value creation.

* Source: Forrester

75% of digital growth activities fall short of expectations.* There are many reasons for this: the global consequences of the poly-crisis, changes in global supply chains, or the impact of rapidly changing technology on business, society, and the environment.

However, one of the main reasons also lies in the companies: there is a lack of growth strategies that comprehensively consider relevant digital technologies such as generative AI, green cloud computing, or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – and are also consistently geared towards value creation.

Driving competitive advantage in rapidly changing markets

What to expect

Digital Growth Sessions offer decision-makers a short, intensive exchange on digital growth. Each video meeting is tailored directly to specific needs and challenges.

  • Direct feedback – get answers to your most pressing questions about digital growth
  • New impetus – learn from best practices of the world’s fastest-growing companies
  • Independent second opinion – gain new perspectives that are free from internal interests and prejudices

Time is valuable

Digital Growth Sessions are virtual and last 30, 45, or a maximum of 60 minutes. That saves travel time and costs. The video meetings are easy to organize, so decision-makers can effectively fit them into their busy schedules.

What others are saying

Digital Growth Sessions are for decision-makers...

... looking for a professional outside perspective

Digital Growth Sessions provide decision-makers with valuable external feedback to identify new growth opportunities. A professional outside perspective can eliminate potential blind spots. That promotes innovation and supports strategic decisions.

... wanting new impetus for their business

Decision-makers who see value creation through digitalization as the key to success benefit from Digital Growth Sessions. The video meetings provide key insights to drive digital growth efficiently. That helps decision-makers to strengthen their market position and future-proof their organizations.

... valuing an independent opinion

Digital Growth Sessions are ideal for decision-makers who value unbiased opinions. They receive objective analysis and honest feedback free of internal interests and prejudices. That provides clarity and supports informed decisions.

Your interlocutor Mike Flache

"One of the world's most influential experts in digital transformation"

— Global Excellence Awards

Mike Flache is an advisor and mentor, former entrepreneur and angel investor. Together with talented teams, he builds digital businesses. Onalytica’s analysts named him one of the top 10 global thought leaders in digital transformation.

Mike helps high-tech innovators in Silicon Valley, Europe, and Asia grow and scale. He is also a partner of Fortune 500 companies and technology vendors. Over the years, Mike has worked with executives from companies such as the Silicon Valley Innovation Center, Google, Amazon, Huawei, and Mercedes-Benz.

Mike Flache has been featured in international media

Enterprise Management 360
Millionair Magazine
BBN Times

Mike has worked with leaders of Fortune 500 companies, medium-sized world market leaders, and startups

BMC Software
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Silicon Valley Innovation Center
Huawei Technologies
Siemens Energy
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
DLC Della Leaders Club
AS-Schneider Group

Recognized thought leader


Onalytica’s analysts named Mike one of the top-10 global thought leaders in digital transformation

Ready to leverage tomorrow’s business opportunities?

Request more information about the video meeting with Mike Flache without obligation. Digital Growth Sessions are limited. The approach is first come, first served.

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