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Insights and Perspectives on Digital Growth

Articles focus on digital growth and cover key topics such as technology and innovation, leadership, sustainability, and digital business transformation. Below, you’ll find insights and perspectives as brief commentary and detailed essays, including informative videos.

Tackling Today’s Technology Challenges to Capitalize on Tomorrow’s Business Opportunities

In the age of hybrid cloud, big data, and artificial intelligence, digital growth is so obvious that it has become a matter of course for every company. But, is this really the truth?

Digital dashboard global development
Robotic arm performance in manufacturing

Manufacturing Industry – Unlocking Digital Growth with AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the way manufacturing industries plan, develop, and operate.

The Rise of the Project Advisory Board in the Digital Age

The demand for experts as advisors for special project initiatives in the organizations continues to increase.

Company board meeting
CEO newsletter

Leverage Tomorrow's Business Opportunities Today

Written for leaders. Read by founders, entrepreneurs, and executives, including Fortune 500 CEOs.

Digital Growth Insights – weekly newsletter providing insight into global business trends involving digital transformation
Man signs a document with a pen

Business Efficiency Is Key, Don’t You Agree?

Increase added value with CLM and e-signatures

How Germany Remains Internationally Competitive in Digital Transformation

What we can learn from innovative Huawei projects around the globe

Digital smart city
Did you know?

Once a week, Mike Flache sends out his CEO newsletter on digital growth. It is written for leaders and read by founders, entrepreneurs, and executives, including Fortune 500 CEOs.

Digital Growth Insights – weekly newsletter providing insight into global business trends involving digital transformation
New insights every Thursday

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