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Digital Growth Sessions

Leverage Tomorrow’s Business Opportunities Today

Get tailored feedback on your most pressing growth questions — in a 1:1 video call with Mike Flache.

Video call with Mike Flache, top-10 global thought leader in digital transformation
“As an innovator shaping the landscape of iCommerce, digital growth is a critical catalyst for us. Being a mentor and advisor, Mike has played a pivotal role in guiding our tech business through its challenges. Leveraging his extensive network and experience, he has imparted invaluable insights that are propelling us towards the next stage of growth.”

Digital growth is challenging

75% of growth activity falls short of expectations.* There are many reasons for this: The global consequences of the poly-crisis, changes in global supply chains, or the impact of rapidly changing technology on business, society, and the environment. However, one of the main reasons also lies in the companies themselves: There is a lack of digital growth strategies that are consistently geared towards value creation and are also implemented sustainably. Let’s discuss together in your Digital Growth Session how you can use untapped potential for your business.

75% of growth activity falls short of expectations.* There are many reasons for this: The global consequences of the poly-crisis, changes in global supply chains, or the impact of rapidly changing technology on business, society, and the environment.

However, one of the main reasons also lies in the companies themselves: There is a lack of digital growth strategies that are consistently geared towards value creation and are also implemented sustainably.

Let’s discuss together in your Digital Growth Session how you can use untapped potential for your business.

* Source: Forrester

Gain clarity about the digital growth levers for your business

What to expect

Your most pressing questions are the focus of each video call. You will receive feedback on your specific situation and how to achieve digital growth efficiently and profitably. You will also discuss what additional digital growth challenges you should prepare for and how to overcome them.


Time is precious, so a Digital Growth Session only last as long as necessary. You can choose between 30, 45, and a maximum of 60 minutes.

“I described three products to Mike, including their target audience and how they are interconnected. He immediately understood our business model and gave me direct feedback: our go-to-market requires prioritization of sales processes. Mike's experience and insight into international markets provided us with immediate added value. That clarity is pure gold. A few more conversations with Mike and we will be accelerating through our growth milestones.”

Digital Growth Sessions are for you if...

You're looking for advice

You want to realize digital growth, but you're not sure how to start. Or you're ready to take your digital growth to the next level and you're wondering which actions will have the biggest impact.

You'd like new impulses

Your business has stalled and needs new growth impetus. Or the ratio of effort and result in your sales department is not optimal and you're looking for ways to increase sales efficiency.

You'd like a professional opinion

You believe your brand, business, or yourself would benefit from a qualified opinion. Or you're looking for a constructive exchange on your digital growth strategy.

Your interlocutor Mike Flache

"One of the world's most influential experts in digital transformation"

— Global Excellence Awards

Mike Flache is an advisor and mentor, former entrepreneur and angel investor. Together with talented teams, he builds digital businesses. Onalytica’s analysts named him one of the top 10 global thought leaders in digital transformation.

Mike helps high-tech innovators in Silicon Valley, Europe, and Asia grow and scale. He is also a partner of Fortune 500 companies and technology vendors. Over the years, Mike has worked with executives from companies such as the Silicon Valley Innovation Center, Google, Amazon, Huawei, and Mercedes-Benz.

Mike Flache has been featured in international media

Enterprise Management 360
Millionair Magazine
BBN Times

Mike has worked with leaders of Fortune 500 companies, medium-sized world market leaders, and startups

BMC Software
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Silicon Valley Innovation Center
Huawei Technologies
Digital Sales Lab
AS-Schneider Group
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
DLC Della Leaders Club

Recognized thought leader


Onalytica’s analysts named Mike one of the top-10 global thought leaders in digital transformation

Ready to leverage tomorrow’s business opportunities?

Register your interest in a 1:1 video call with Mike Flache. Digital Growth Sessions are limited. The approach is first come, first served.

Did you know?

Once a week, Mike Flache sends out a newsletter on digital growth. It is written for doers and leaders. And it is read by founders, entrepreneurs, and executives, including Fortune 500 CEOs.

Digital Growth Insights – weekly newsletter providing insight into global business trends involving digital transformation
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